Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Girls Generation - Mr. Taxi

Girls Generation, otherwise known as SNSD (because in Korean their name is pronounced seon-yeo-shi-dae), have released a catchy new track. The video somehow feels sterile compared with some of their finer achievements, like 'Gee'. And they definitely should have worked on an elevated bridge section, this one sounds sunken somehow, like a gray page behind the whole thing. Should have thrown some candy at it instead!

Nevertheless the video is very big-budget in an electronic-displays-are-everywhere kinda way, as is the trend in Korea right now, something I'm rather enjoying. Still, I'm a bit meh about the lack of sci-fi oriented videos... disappoint.

Enjoy the song!

1 comment:

  1. liking these better than the crappy English girl groups that are around right now :D awesome post!
